Beat Diabetes

Our Beat Diabetes Program is apt for people who are finding it difficult to manage their lifestyle, eating habits in order to control blood glucose levels.
Taking steps to prevent or control diabetes doesn’t mean living in deprivation; it means eating a tasty, balanced diet that will also boost your energy and improve your mood. It is very important to understand that only eating sugar or sweets will not cause diabetes, but it is the overall eating pattern which raises the blood glucose levels.
Managing weight and working your eating habits can help you lower your blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol levels & also have a profound effect on your mood, energy, and sense of wellbeing.


Even if you’ve already developed diabetes, it’s not too late to make a positive change.
With this program, you can still take pleasure from your meals without feeling hungry or deprived.
The consultation starts only after examining your health records (Blood reports, medical records, family history etc.) We provide you with customized meal plan which fits into your schedule, with foods of your choices and still help you improve blood glucose, blood pressure, and cholesterol numbers and also help keep weight on track.

The program will help you:

  • Select foods which will help maintain your blood glucose
  • Learn how to monitor your blood glucose levels.
  • Busting myths related to diabetes

Services Include

  • Consultation with Dietitian Saima
  • Personalized meal plans
  • Exercise guide
  • Healthy & tasty recipes
  • Daily motivational messages
  • WhatsApp /call support
  • Continuous assessment and guidance
  • Travel guide/ restaurant guide/ festival guide
  • Regular monitoring of blood glucose levels